Thursday, June 9, 2011

Independent Project

We have been working on are very own project independently and it had to have a theme about it like war, love, hate, nature, and other stuff. I chose nature and how people are destroying the enviorment for there own selfish gain such as power, houses, nuclear waste plants but the only thing I like is that people are actually making state parks to protect and conserve the wildlife that lives their.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


We have been working on mosaics and i have fallen behind but anyway a mosaic is a picture made of a bunch of smaller pictures. So just imagine a balloon that is made of different colors and if you look closely you may or may not see smaler pictures in it. I will have my mosaic up soon so dont worry.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


This is a picture of a car and an army man. Who will lose

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


 Last week and this week we worked on photos of people and friends by doing portraits. My photos were pretty good but could have been better. Here is one of them.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

History of photography

The person who made one of the very first photos was Joeseph Niepce and he also made the camera obscura. Also a couple things i learned about pictures was that in the past when someone took a picture it would take a few hours and the people getting photographed couldnt move. I also learned that Edward Muybridge created the very first flip book.

My video

One thing we did in photography was we made flip books which were invented by Edward Muybridge who in fact is a famous photographer.What we did was we made little flipbooks which are little books that when you flip the pages really fast from the beginning pages and you end at the last page and when you do that it makes a movimg picture. For example my flipbook is a ball bouncing and it ends as if the ball rolls away and so it ends and you can watch it again and again.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pinhole Camera

In photography we created pinhole cameras which are pringles cans with a pin sized hole to take the picture and we made it by getting the pringles can and then spraypainting the inside and then taking a picture with it. We spaypainted it black do that way no light can get in. There is a shutter which we use to open and close the hole so it could take a picture. The kind of image im making is a negative image.

Nick Koback

My name is Nick Koback and i am a 12 year old 7th grader. I enjoy taking pictures because they are a way into the past.